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The Who, What, And Why's of Acupressure

Apr 24, 2020


Acupressure is the act of pressing on acupuncture points on the skin to ellicet a sensation or activation of qi.

For thousands of years, acupressure/acupuncture has been around- we don't know if the meridians/pathways or the points were identified first but, either way, practitioners and patients alike have been using them to create balance within their bodies. Anyone can learn how to perform acupressure on themselves or family. It is free, effective and relaxing.

There are several techniques used in acupressure.


The most common are direct, downward pressure using a fingertip or round rubbing with your palm (eg clockwise tummy rubs for intestines). Regurdless of the technique, the purpose is to "activate" the point which signals the body to change the pattern of energy. We can press on the points for 30 seconds to 1 minute before releasing pressure and repeating several times until the area feels-warm, tingly or different and that is how we know...

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Gee-king Over Ghee

Mar 18, 2020


Oh how I dig this oil.

Clarified butter or ghee is traditionally found in Indian cooking and has gained popularity over the years and is now considered one of the best oils out there. It has a high cooking temp and is this week’s oil. Ghee is fantastic for supporting you not only for your fertility journey but to support our immunity too. Clarified butter or ghee is amazing. Not only does it taste great, but it is a very healthy way to support all of you especially during the winter months.

Because there is more sexual activity between day 8 to 16 while you are trying to conceive. Sexual activity, mental or physical activity use our essence up too.

It helps to strengthen the body, longevity, reduce gastrointestinal inflammation… and helps to fight diseases like Alzheimer’s as well. Adding this gives us a great dose of buyteric oil which is a fatty acid that is both antiviral and anti-inflammatory.

Ghee is great all month through.


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Olive Oil for Fertility

Mar 12, 2020


Zebbuga (pronounced za-booch) or olives are one thing that this Mediterranean girl is never out of!

As a second-generation American, my roots run deep to the isle of Malta where my great grandparents were proud olive farmers (capers too). I love the taste, color, and versatility of this powerhouse ingredient. Whether it’s the oil in my homemade marinara, in salad dressing or a snack, we are without a doubt an olive household. My boys eat them by the handful. Packed with amazing health benefits, I would say this is one thing I am okay keeping in bulk.

As a therapeutic herb in traditional Chinese medicine, olives/oil is considered neutral in temperature meaning it is safe and useful no matter what time of the month or year you want to use it. The flavor is both sweet and sour. Sweet things support the Spleen and Sour supports the Liver. Often found in food therapy as a detoxifying ingredient, olive oil is safe to use any time. Though, if trying to...

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10 Ways to Add Coconut Oil to Your TTC Journey

Mar 04, 2020



Being that it is winter, and my skin is feeling so, so dry. I thought that it would be a good time to talk about oil. Specifically, coconut oil as it is my Windex (ode to a Big Fat Greek Wedding). I cannot get enough of it! It is antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and noncomedogenic too. Not to mention it smells great! I use it everywhere I possibly can and if you were to ask my kids, they would probably tell you it’s downright tropical in my house right about now.

There are actually 4 oils that I really LOVE and coconut is going to be the first one we talk about. The others are olive, avocado and ghee or clarified butter. We will be diving into these in the subsequent weeks. Not to worry!

During your journey in trying to conceive, adding in healthy oils is a must.

There are so many benefits to using coconut oil for beauty products & self-care and creating deliciously yummy smelling baked goods and cooking in general.

Here is a list of...

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Healing Leaky Gut by Understanding Digestion

Feb 28, 2020


Digestion. We have heard the adage that we are what we eat. And, it is true.

But did you know how you eat and with whom you eat is also very important? Let’s dive in and learn more about healing the gut, as it is not only our immunity, nourishment but also our intuition.

The digestive system is one of the most important systems in our body and most influenced by our habits each meal and moment of the day. Because of this, we can also harness our own innate healing power every time we take a bite of food!  

Let’s look at what the digestive system does from a TCM perspective.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we have 4 main organs in the digestive tract. Stomach, spleen, small intestine, and large intestine. The stomach holds the food.

Small Intestine

The small intestine oversees separating the pure nutrients from the turbid or waste products. This function is important and assists the spleen in producing quality nutrients for the body.


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Male Factors in Infertility

Feb 14, 2020

Male fertility is something that we don’t talk about as often as female fertility and this is true for western medicine as well and alternative medicine. Often, because women have cycles, it is easier to look at and analyze what is out of sorts. Periods, ovulation cervical fluid are all visible ways we can see what’s happening. With men, it’s just not that easy there are several factors that cannot be detected without a test.

Most doctors in reproductive endocrinology offices or IVF clinics are ObGyn’s and have less experience with men’s specific issues.

Often the extent of the testing is to look at the morphology-shape, motility-movements of the sperm and the concentration of the overall count. If the numbers are poor or even subpar, physicians often suggest taking samples and isolating healthier specimens within a sample to utilize intra uterine insemination or invitro fertilization. The tests that can be performed by a urologist-specializing in male...

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Meditation: Everything You Need to Know

Jan 15, 2020

Meditation. Silence. Mantras. Breathwork. Belly breathing.

What do they have to do with, well, anything? Meditation is a tool to get you centered and back in touch with your body, to clear your mind, or to meditate on a scripture or prayer. It’s all of this and you don’t have to sit still. How do I know this? Because I have pretty much done every variety of meditation out there since the age of 5- including tai chi a moving meditation.

Many people ask me these types of questions: How do I start to meditate? Is there a right way to do it? I cannot meditate because thoughts or lists or pictures come up. I get distracted. I cannot sit still that long. It hurts my back to be in a half-lotus position even with a wedge and a pillow. Wow.

How can something that’s supposed to be relaxing elicit so many stressful issues?

I get it and you can meditate in any position (you can even lay down if you need to or sit in your chair), you can even move and what if I told you...

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An Acupuncturist's Guide to Winter

Jan 03, 2020


The kidneys and the urinary bladder are the organs we must support the most during the winter which began officially December 21st! In traditional Chinese medicine, (TCM) the kidneys are the foundation for all of the other organs and it is vital therefore to make time to balance and support the kidneys. We say “kidneys” but what it really means is the endocrine system & reproductive system, nervous system, neurotransmitters, water metabolism, and skeletal system.  The exterior organ of the kidneys is the ears and the emotion of the kidney is fear. During the winter we often see more sadness with the holidays but also more fear of moving forward.

Symptoms of the Kidney and Urinary Bladder:

  • Low pitched Ringing in the ears
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Low back or knee pain worse with fatigue or standing
  • Thirsty, sweatier at night or other changes in hormones – perimenopause both men/women
  • Sensitivity to...
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What Your Period Tells Your Acupuncturist

Dec 06, 2019


Periods can tell us so much about your body! What? Yeah, they really can!

And psst, they can be comfortable too.

It’s really all about balancing things out.

So, like a detective, we can figure out what part of you needs extra support. Each aspect of your cycle tells us a story. I can hear about a woman’s cycle and know what to adjust using acupuncture and herbs in one conversation. I feel so excited knowing that there is the potential for each patient to feel better soon. So, exciting!

People call me a nerd but how cool is it that we can make a difference in some one’s life with just the right combination of questions. 

You see, I am the practitioner who wants to guide you to learn what symptoms your body is telling you. It is telling you what your body needs supporting to heal. I am just an interpreter if you will, and you the patient, give me all the amazing clues to figure out the patterns of you.

It is a partnership to...

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An Acupuncturist's Guide to Autumn

Nov 11, 2019

Autumn is here.

The colors are shifting to brilliant golds, oranges, reds, and temperatures are dropping overnight too. Cooler air is here and with it comes a change in organ systems in Chinese medicine.

We leave the 5th season and enter Fall, which is the time of the Lung and Large Intestines.

The Lungs are represented by the metal element and are nourished or most active from the hours of 3 to 5 am then the large intestines from 5 to 7 am. During the early morning hours, our lungs are restoring themselves while we are in deep, restorative sleep and dreaming. Then upon waking the large intestines, it’s time to wake up, release bowls and possibly meditate at this time.

There are a total of five elements in Chinese medicine and metal is the fall element.


The color is white, the emotion associated is grief and the exterior expression is the nose. The lung includes the nose to the lungs themselves. We say that the lungs oversee gathering the qi...

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