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5 Secrets to a Pain Free Period

Feb 18, 2019

As a fertility acupuncturist, and as an adolescent who suffered from painful periods,  I can tell you that they don’t have to be painful, all-consuming or something to dread. Periods can be just a time of the month. Really! Isn’t that so exciting??

I for one, have been working towards helping my clients reach this life-changing experience. Our bodies are amazing and the pattern of hormones, changes in our physiology can, with little adjustments, be more comfortable. Of course, reducing pain and discomfort is important but really, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The real magic happens when we look at the whole body and start to heal so that the body can transition from having a period, releasing a follicle to building up the lining again without stagnation or blockages.

Okay so here is the first BIG on

Avoid cold (temperature or raw) foods or drinks about a week before your period!!!

What I mean is, let your lunch warm up on the counter or put some warm...

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An Acupuncturist's Guide to Spring

Jan 01, 2019

Spring has finally arrived and I could not be more excited! But, wait. Why am I irritated? Having digestive issues? Catching a spring cold?


Well, it's because even though spring is an awesome season replete with flowers, outdoor activities, and baby animals, it is still a season like any other. And, all seasons have the potential for causing disharmony in our bodies if we are not prepared.

In Chinese Medicine, every season is governed by one of the yin energetic organs and spring is governed by the Liver. Oh, the Liver. The thing about the Liver is that it is responsible for the free flow of Qi. If it is out of balance, which it has the potential to be during the spring, it can be quite the bully to the other organs. The Liver will overact on other organs like the Spleen and Stomach, which govern digestion, causing issues like indigestion, bloating and constipation. The Liver is sensitive to stress, alcohol, and overeating which constrict Liver qi so it is fair to say that...

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Boosting Fertility with Matcha

Jan 01, 2019

I admit that I am late to the party but, MATCHA?!

There are so many health benefits to super beverage. One of the reasons it is superior to ordinary green tea is that matcha is the whole tea leaf ground into a powder. The fact that it is the entire leaf means it has a higher concentration of EGCG, which is a powerful antioxidant.

This makes matcha an especially wise option for women trying to conceive because it reduces the formation of free radicals because of the catechins (like EGCG) it contains and, as a result, helps to protect the DNA of our cells which means it is protecting egg supply.

It has also been stated that green tea may be effective in reducing sperm abnormalities so it is a great choice for men who are trying to improve their fertility as well. Not to mention it still has some caffeine (about 25-50% less caffeine than coffee or espresso) which makes it a nice substitute for those who can't live without their daily dose. According to Mayo Clinic, caffeine intake...

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Ashitaba Tea

Jan 01, 2019

Celery juice- everyone is all hyped up about it…

In Chinese medicine, we use celery leaves as a food therapy to help lower blood pressure, but it’s really a pretty mild herb overall and does have slight health benefits.

Here at Acupuncture in Del Ray, we have patients sauté the leaves in sesame oil and eat them daily. It’s also a delicious and crunchy snack with very few calories. Throw on some nut butter and it’s a great pick me up. I agree with the experts, there really aren’t huge health benefits to this plant that folks are claiming. Also, juicing it removes fiber and makes it really hard to digest if you have a weak or overworked digestive system.

But it really got me thinking-thanks to my dear friend Katie for asking this question…

So as I sat thinking about celery leaves because really that’s where all the nutrients really are located and it reminded me of another plant---ASHITABA leaves. What???! The Latin translation means...

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Helpful Tips for a Healthy (and Cool) Summer!

Jan 01, 2019

As we enter the hottest months of the year, something that tends to be at the forefront of the mind is how to keep cool.

Obviously, we want to enjoy these warm months of abundant sunshine, but we need to make a conscious effort to stay hydrated and healthy so we aren’t quick to succumb to Fall and Winter illness. One thing I recommend to patients is easy to incorporate, as we all need to eat- food therapy.

Even Hippocrates was aware of diet’s importance in healthy living: “Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food”. Proper nutritional intake combined with lifestyle recommendations will keep you and your family on the right track for a happy and healthy summer.

Not surprisingly, in Chinese medicine, summertime is governed by the element of Fire (and its associated organs: the Heart, Pericardium, Small Intestine, and Triple Burner). We learn that because of this, the Fire energy is abundant in the summertime. Therefore, it is recommended that...

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Dive into this Udon Noodle Dish, Nourishing to the Last Drop!

Jan 01, 2019

Every food has a color, quality and an organ that it helps support. This dish is a simple example of how to nourish yourself with delicious flavors. It combines miso, asparagus, organic eggs, udon noodles, tofu, mushrooms flavored with seaweed, sesame seeds and orange peel.


A delicious fermented paste from soybeans. It comes in white, brown and red. Different colors are used at different times of year. In spring and summer we use white miso as it is lighter in color.


Also from soybeans and they are both cooling in nature. Though soy is an incomplete protein, having it on occasion is alright. If you have a thyroid condition, please make sure not to consume too much in your daily menu.


Is slightly neutral/bitter and is good to strengthen the spleen and drain dampness.

Organic eggs

Support the kidneys which are the power house of the body: in charge of the endocrine function, bones, knees and back as well as the brain. Ultimately, fertility is supported by the...

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Summer Essential Oil Blends

Jan 01, 2019

Since summer is here in full force there are specific seasonal trends that we see frequently in the clinic. Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium and San Jiao (3 jiaos being chest, digestion, and lower abdomen & the movement of the energy between them.) are the organs of summer.

Fire is the element of summer- naturally, and its nature is to rise up and out ie, which creates symptoms in the mind, head, chest, and the tongue which is the sprout of the heart and saliva is the fluid of the heart. Think about-dry mouth and excess thirst, headaches, anxiety, and restlessness at night.

Because the olfactory nerve directly enters the brain, it is one of the best ways to support the body through essential oils.

Using Essential Oils

Essential oils can be used in a number of ways- diffuse into the air, directly on the skin, for massage, and internally. My favorite usage is adding the oils to a carrier oil like sesame, coconut or jojoba. Applied topically applied directly to select...

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Why Make Acupuncture a Part of Your Preconception Care?

Jan 01, 2019

The answer is simple: Healthy Egg + Healthy Sperm = Healthy Baby!

According to three papers published in April 2018 in the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet, the health of both men and women before they conceive can have profound impacts on the health of their offspring, such as birth weight and brain development. Factors such as stress, poor diet, endocrine disruptors, weight, and lifestyle choices can all not only affect the ability to conceive but also the quality of your pregnancy and the health of your baby.

The good news is that acupuncture can help to alleviate and eliminate many of the issues and obstacles that may come between you and a healthy baby.

Acupuncture can help restore

  • balance to hormones
  • reduce inflammation
  • reverse accelerated aging with diet changes and stress reduction
  • identify and improve nutrient deficiencies
  • eliminate infections naturally with herbs
  • restore pH balance, relieve toxicity
  • promote circulation to reproductive organs
  • improve digestive...
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How to Feel Less Stressed Utilizing Acupuncture and Better Sleep

Jan 01, 2019

Do you have a headache right now? Perhaps you have been having trouble sleeping, or your stomach has been upset.

If these symptoms seem like a typical day to you, you may be chronically stressed. People deal with this stress in different ways. Some may overeat, drink more alcohol or stop exercising. Most people don’t make healthy choices when their bodies are stressed out.

However, to relieve the symptoms of stress, you have to take care of yourself. Exercising regularly and making an attempt to relax can reduce some of the tension. Sometimes, though, making time for socializing and hobbies still doesn’t seem to stop the headaches or stomach churning. Then it may be time to try some alternative methods of improving your physical health to help manage stress: acupuncture treatments and improved sleep health.

How Acupuncture Affects Stress

Although Chinese medicine has known the effects of acupuncture on stress for years, Western medicine has just begun to probe...

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